Microorganisms like germs, bacteria and allergens are invisible to the naked eye. It is therefore very difficult to know whether they are present in your immediate surroundings and especially in clothes and bedding, which come into direct contact with the skin. It is thus necessary to eliminate their presence.

What are they?
They are parasites that are invisible to the naked eye. They like heat and humidity. They like to nest in homes and are particularly comfortable in duvets, curtains and teddy bears, which provide a favourable environment. A temperature close to 19°C allows them to develop and multiply. Humidity is also a factor that encourages their growth.
There are over 200,000 species of fungi. Among these, around 100 can affect people. Mycosis is one well-known ailment. When the skin and the nails are affected, we speak of superficial mycosis. Inversely, when the fungus is present in the blood and can affect any organ, the term is deep or systemic mycosis. Such cases are much more troubling, in particular when babies or people with weakened immune systems are affected.
It has been calculated that 1012 bacteria live on a person’s skin, 1010 bacteria live in a person’s mouth and 1014 bacteria live in the intestine, which means that there are ten times as many bacteria cells as human cells in the human body. Most of these bacteria are harmless or even beneficial. There are, however, some pathogenic species, i.e., bacteria that can cause illnesses.

For centuries, outstanding progress has been made that has substantially increased life expectancy. But although daily life is easier, we’ve forgotten some of the advice our grandmothers used to give us. As a result, we’ve seen the growth of certain germs and allergens. Those most at risk are newborns, whose immune systems are still developing, young children when they go off to school and those who are immunocompromised, that is, people whose immune systems have been weakened.


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